Introducing Veterans Cricket Australia

We continue with our series of introductions of the teams participating in the Cricket On Ice Trophy in 2025. The next in the series are #COI debutantes, Veterans Cricket Australia.

Veterans Cricket Australia

This Australian Team comprises 14 finely tuned mature athletes aged from 55 to 75 years.
Many of them have travelled the world competing against cricketers of all skill levels and several players have represented their State in Veteran competitions and are ready to meet all comers.


Veterans Cricket Australia
Veterans Cricket Australia

The entire team is particularly interested in pitting their skills against The Guards Cricket Club, who should be warned that, in addition to the cricket, "Challenges across the Bar" are not taken lightly.

All should be very wary of this group of older cricketers whose skills have been honed in many a Far Pavilion!

This group of Aussie Veteran cricketers is typical of this adventurous age group travelling the world over the last 15 years, playing in exotic locations, such as Samoa, Mexico, Japan, Iceland, Shanghai, Chine & Brazil. Wherever they go they take the Spirit of Cricket with them.


Tour leader & team spokesperson, Derek Braidner says, "Our greatest pleasure is meeting and competing against young whipper snappers and of course other gentlemen cricketers.

Aussie Veteran crickets play for the love of the game, win a few, lose a few, and enjoy the camaraderie of post game activities.

So looking forward to meeting you all in this unique International Carnival of Cricket on Ice".