Introducing Sumanta Samanta

At the Cricket on Ice Trophy 2025 we welcome Mr Sumanta Samanta to the team of officials. We asked Sumanta to share a few words of introduction with us, and are very happy to introduce him to the wider Cricket on Ice community in this article.

Sumanta Samanta
Sumanta Samanta

Sumanta Samanta is an Indian national, research scientist by profession and cricket enthusiast by passion, started officiating in 2017 when he moved to Finland.

Since then, he has stood in domestic and international matches in Finland and other Baltic countries, honed his skill with ECB Stage 1, 2, & 3 umpiring courses.

Sumanta also worked as a Match Manager in two sub-regional ICC T20 world cup qualifiers that Cricket Finland hosted in 2022, where he had the opportunity to work closely with senior and experienced ICC match officials.
More recently Sumanta has completed ICC Umpire Tutor Training program with the aim of developing a strong umpiring pool in Finland and working as an umpire development officer with Cricket Finland while continuing his personal journey as a competent umpire across different formats.

You can meet Sumanta at Cricket on Ice 2025 (12-15.2.2025).