Introducing Peter de Boeck

At the Cricket on Ice Trophy 2025 we welcome Mr Peter de Boeck once again to the team of officials. We asked Peter to share a few words of introduction with us, and are very happy to introduce him to the wider Cricket on Ice community in this article.

Peter de Boeck
Peter de Boeck

Peter de Boeck began umpiring in the early 90's, standing in his first European tournament in 1999 and has stood in many since.


Peter has twice umpired the Maccabia games  (the Jewish Olympics) and has been umpiring the Cricket on Ice for many years.

So most of you will know him!

Currently Peter is taking a more laid-back attitude to official umpiring. But Cricket on Ice remains special.

You can meet Peter at Cricket on Ice 2025 (12-15.2.2025).