At the Cricket on Ice Trophy 2025 we welcome Mr Andrew Scott back to the team of officials. We asked "Scotty" to share a few words of introduction with us, and are very happy to
introduce him to the wider Cricket on Ice community in this article.
Andrew Scott (Scotty) has been a Belgian umpire for twenty years. Five of those were with also with ICC Europe.
Andrew has umpired in most of the European countries and is no stranger to Switzerland, to swissFocus or to Cricket on Ice.
Although this will be his last visit as an umpire outside of Belgium, as he retired from Belgian league games at the start of the 2024, he is looking forward to another enjoyable tournament on the ice in St Moritz.
Scotty adds, "I am not looking forward to all of the goodbyes to my Swiss friends".
You can meet "Scotty" at Cricket on Ice 2025 (12-15.2.2025).