Radio interview with Derek Braidner on ABC (Australia)
ABC Radio - Julz Hay & Derek Braidner, 15. February 2025
Die vier speziellsten Winter-Events der Schweiz
Schweizer-Illustriete - Noémie Schwaller, 1. Februar 2025
Future of world’s most exclusive horse race on thin ice due to global heating
Helena Horton, 11.2.2024 - The Guardian
They Took Their Horses to the Swiss Alps for Snow Polo. They Got Slush Instead.
Clair Moses, 31.1.2024 - The New York Times
Future of world’s most exclusive horse race on thin ice due to global heating
Helena Horton, 11.1.2022 - The Guardian
Swiss cricket season warms up in St. Moritz with a tournament on ice
By Matt Leighton @CNNMoneyCH
Switzerland’s cricket season kicks off on April 1, but for fans in need of a warm-up there was plenty of action in February as St. Moritz Cricket hosted a tournament on a frozen lake. So what’s the outlook for the sport both on and off the ice?
Cricketspieler auf dem Glatteis
Beitrag vom Sü am 15.02.2019
«Cricket on Ice» heisst der Event, bei dem Cricketspieler aufs Glatteis geführt werden. Der gefrorene St. Moritzersee ist dafür der Schauplatz, vier Teams spielen gegeneinander um den Titel. Vor allem im asiatischen Raum erfreut sich der Schlagballsport grosser Beliebtheit und auch in der Schweiz wird Cricket immer populärer.
Cricket on Ice in St Moritz
BBC World Service STUMPED (23.02.2016)
Every February in the Swiss mountain town St. Moritz, hardy cricketers from around the world meet to compete in 'Cricket on Ice'.
The world's best cricket grounds? Castle's, cows & carpets - (02.01.2016)
Cricket on Ice in St Moritz makes no, 21 in this article.
Cricket on Ice - St. Moritz, Switzerland
CNN ireport - February 19, 2013 by eternal77