Since 2022, John Seymour has captivated Tournament Dinner guests with his specially crafted poems celebrating Cricket on Ice.
These cherished works have been preserved for future generations and can be found in this section of the Cricket on Ice website.
Cricket on Ice 2025 – The Truth Will Out!
(recited at the tournament dinner on 15.2.2025)
As I look around tonight’s august assembly,
There’s something that these fellas cannot hide,
They think themselves somehow alas, heroic,
BUT lately I have seen a grimmer side.
While on the ice these same supposed ‘players’,
Would have you then believe in their err, ‘flair’,
But lo, some of their mad and flailing batting,
An irate whirling dervish also would share.
It’s not that they are seemingly quite useless,
In trying to connect their swing with thump,
It’s more their twirling bat could then make contact,
With some death wish close fielder’s fleeing rump!
Though yes, there is indeed some certain other,
Who random creates chaos far and wide,
The bowler, who will launch unguided missiles,
With risk resulting most to his own side!
It leaves the hand with usual good intentions,
To aim at the poor batsman straight ahead,
Then whistles anywhere that may be local,
But any it might find have long since fled!
The batsmen have the best chance of some safety,
Since barn doors and those two are now as one,
So umpire stands and spreads his arms for each ball,
The over may not ever yet get done!
But surely there is still the stalwart keeper,
Who faces bowler without ifs or but,
Ah yes, but they would never once admit it,
They do so with their eyes then firmly shut!
So, might there be one part at least which functions,
And to this ghastly mess will never yield,
But sadly no, I am a humble witness,
To farcical performance … in the field!
We do not though expect that these said ‘catchers’,
Have arms quite like an octopus, oh my,
It seems perhaps they think that their sole purpose,
Is watching as the ball goes sailing by!
But surely though when once that they have got it,
Their throw is then a joy we can behold,
Ah no, so often it is misdirected, hopeless,
To anywhere and nowhere we are told.
And others far off near the pitch side netting,
Will lose all concentration so that when,
A skied hit that is there just for the taking,
Is missed ‘cos they are dozing … once again!
There is though I must add some men beside this,
Who raise the whole sad game from this deep pit,
I speak with due respect of all the Umpires,
Though others think they are a bunch of ~ (I was stuck here. Can anyone
suggest a rhyming word for pit!)
Lord knows we’re in their everlasting debt since,
Without them, all of us could surely wrap,
If only we could get some slightly better,
‘Cos this lot are all truly bloody …. !! (It’s happened again. Suggestions?)
Now all of this is captured on a cam’ra,
In case you think I may perchance have lied,
This roving eye has once again recorded
The no balls and the miss hits and the wide!
No doubt you may all think that I am biased,
And miss all the good things that come to pass,
It’s true, we are here blessed with such good comp’ny,
So p’raps I’m due a swift kick … up my arse!
John Seymour
17.07.24. 4.20 – 6.13pm.
Extensively amended. 11.1.25.
Team Talk!
(Recited at the Gala Dinner on 17.2.2024 by the author)
I have thought that each team is not all it would seem,
There is much that has gone undeclared,
So I list those rumours that they would like hid,
Which they would prefer were not shared!
Them Guards as a unit are steadfast and true,
Not easy ignored or dismissed,
The problem is that when let loose on the ice,
They always end up getting pissed!
They of course play the game with the right spirit, true,
As long as the 'spirit' is booze,
Alas, after drinking their crates of cold beer,
They spend half their time in the loos!
Now cricket in Deutschland is not widely known,
Though our German team 'aint the first,
But their Philipp Bachstadt has bought them this far,
By claiming they won't be the vurst!
A shame it must be then they choose to don whites,
The cricketing clothing we knows,
The rest of us hoped they would do the right thing,
And play in their cute lederhose.
Now praise the Lyceum, Alpinum no less,
This long standing tournament team,
Though younger in years they are true to the faith,
Performing beyond what they seem.
'Twould seem the Chumleons have troubles enough,
Deciding just how we should say,
Their name Chol/mel/eians, which beggars belief,
Like them, quite confused all the day!
From Highgate they come here, last home of Karl Marx,
Who fits what we know of this crew,
A disperate rabble from hither and yon,
Comprised of mad dogs through and through!
All hail to the Roggenhorns, mountainous tribe,
Named after their rugged terrain,
Located near Klosters, so just down the road,
To play there is almost insane.
Chris Southwell their leader, who has no excuse,
They play quite infrequently due,
To lack of flat surfaces to make a pitch,
No wonder their runs are so few!
Now Cavaliers lately have graced this strange scene,
Appearing in years long before,
They therefore must take all the blame for the fact,
Their intake of booze is so poor!
But spare them a'while for they are getting on,
No longer the first flush of youth,
Tonight they have said they will empty the bar,
To show that such claim 'aint the truth!
We welcome frrom Delhi this WCL Sports,
A team who have travelled afar,
If wanting some friends here at Cricket on Ice,
You'll find all the Guards ~ at the bar!
And lastly St. Moritz who host the whole thing,
'Invited' to join so I see,
They can't be that special because you might know,
A past player, oh Ye Gods! ... was ME.
John Seymour.
Cricket on Ice – St. Moritz style.
(Recited at the Gala Dinner on 18.2.2023 by the author)
‘We play it on ice’ he announced, as if this
Was normal. I thought he was taking the piss.
For cricket on ice is of course round the twist,
Which only a nutter would do if not pissed.
‘We have a booze tent on the ice’ he made known,
The whole situation then clearer, I’d grown
To think they were high on something for sure,
And this then explained the whole reason, and more.
I smiled at him thinly while backing away,
Yet watching him closely for though he might say
His friends too were ‘normal’, I thought them insane,
Just like the damned cricket he mentioned again.
Imagine the scene where these loonies cavort
In some frigid melee which they then purport
To make any sense of a game of that sort,
While claiming it somehow is some kind of sport!
Delusion of self is the first step to hell,
Playing cricket on ice surely proves you’re not well,
There is a condition that is medic’ly true,
Altitude, ice and alcohol. I told him that’s YOU.
He railed at such statement and claimed others too,
Would join in this madness as players, some few
Stood out in the freezing ice cold all the day,
He said they were ‘Umpires’. What more need I say!
These high priests of lunacy cannot deny,
For them it is too late and I know just why,
They revel in mustering others like sheep,
Their lust for such power is quite plainly so deep.
With finger aloft like a Caesar in Rome,
Despatching some minion to slouch off alone,
They claim they apply just the rules but I see,
This stark meg’lomania cannot fool me!
The hotels still welcome these nutters so they
Must know something I don’t, most others would say,
This tournament looks like them hosting a farce,
A parade of the lost. Heads up their dumb arse!
So, you will be asking, just why do I come,
If I think them bonkers my presence for some,
Is plain hypocritical. Ah but you see,
I’ve too been infected … the madness got ME!
John Seymour.
Thurs. 24.2.2022. 2.44 – 4.05 pm.
The Game.
(Recited at the Gala Dinner on 19.2.2022 by author John Seymour)
What sound as stirs the summer air comes drifting o’er these fields,
Which strong yet ancient murmur holds our faith and never yields
To shallow changes, ever fly such passing fancies though
They cannot quell this flame still bright which generations know.
As holds this insight written clear while memories return
To colour thoughts of hallowed days and cause old hearts to yearn
For carefree youth. In later years, this passion stays the same,
To hold this truth indelible … Play up - and play the game!
Across this teeming, calloused world this beacon stands to set
Such standards as may serve us all if they can still be met,
Where others strive to better us but where respect remains
Though fierce the fight, to lose this faith is never worth such gains.
So what is this which leaves such mark throughout the lives of all
Who pass through ways so various to answer this fond call,
From village green to urban sprawl, in thronging city’s maw,
On dusty streets or sun baked sands, though privileged or poor.
This game. This Cricket game. This yearning widely held
In many lands as then unite and by this joining meld
Into a brotherhood intense ignoring race or creed,
This common bond of bat and ball. In mind. In heart. In deed.
So when you pass by random chance some fools in flannels who,
Engaged in playing seem remote from your world, know it’s true,
That those in white where ‘ere they be are by tradition bound
To uphold all that went before by our forefathers found.
Not just a game. A guide to life. For all to strive toward.
To face a paceman, courage writ upon a dumb score board,
These are the measures of a man or woman lately too,
And so my friend, this is the test ~ that Cricket asks of …. You?
John Seymour.
V’s 1-3. Wed. 19.2.2014. V’s 4 – 7. Sun. 21.2.2014. 11.10 - 12.45pm.